This is the War Stories Section of
The Broadcast Archive

Maintained by:
Barry Mishkind - The Eclectic Engineer

WTC - 9/11/01

As billions of people have come to know, the World Trade Center disaster was among the greater tragedies suffered by the action of one group against a nation.

The 19 hijackers who flew two airplanes into the World Trade Center and the one into the Pentagon truly brought us to a new kind of world society. A little less safe. A lot of anger.

Instead of reviewing the politics of the hijackers. The goal of this page is to talk to the broadcast oriented issues.

At this time, we hope to discuss:

   1. The site, as it was before the attack.

   2. The "improvement" from the previous site on the Empire State Building.

   3. The story of how CBS happened to have a functioning site on the ESB when the WTC went down.

   4. Where the stations went.

   5. The plans for restoring service.

   6. Suggestions are appreciated for additional material.