This is the Broadcast History section of
The Broadcast Archive

Maintained by:
Barry Mishkind - The Eclectic Engineer

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What are some famous "K" Calls and their meanings?

     Detroit       KOP   Detroit Police Department 

     Los Angeles   KFWB  Warner Brothers

     Los Angeles   KFSG  Four Square Gospel (Aimee Semple McPherson)

     Phoenix       KOOL  "It's Cool in Phoenix"

     Phoenix       KTAR  Keep Taking the Arizona Republican

     San Diego     KGB   NOT owned by the Russians.... 

     San Francisco KFOG (Where else?)

     Tucson        KVOA  Voice Of Arizona

     Tucson        KOLD  "It's Cold in Tucson"

There are, of course, many more, and I refer you to the continuing file of call letter
origins: Origins. Maintained by Bob Nelson, this file now contains well over a thousand
call signs and their meanings.  Jump here: Origins